NC Coalition of Firewise Communities

Truckee Location 

The Community Room, 10356 Truckee Airport Road 

Tuesday, August 6th, 5:30-7:00pm


Sign up for our mailing list here to receive information on future meetings and occasional other announcements.

For information specific to Truckee/Eastern County, visit the Eastern Regional Firewise Coalition

Here is our archive of video recordings of our monthly meetings, listing the topics presented with hotlinks to jump to each program speaker.

Agenda for August 6

Agenda for August 6 Coalition of Firewise Communities Meeting

5:30-5:55pm Networking/meet your neighbors (25 minutes)

5:55-6:00pm Welcome (Darin/Erika, 5 minutes)

6:00-6:40pm Partner agency updates (40 minutes) 

Consolidated Fire (Patrick)

CALFire (Thomas + Mickey)

US Forest Service

Truckee Fire

Nevada County OES (Craig)

Placer County OES (Jacqui)

FireSafe Council (Jim)

6:40-6:55pm Liberty Utility – wildfire mitigation program (15 minutes)

6:55-7:00pm Coalition updates (5 minutes)

Call for volunteers (Erika/Darin)

Website resources: 0-5 foot zone and FWC maps (Susan)

7:00-7:30pm 0-5 Foot Zone Regulations (OES Defensible Space Coordinator Ricky Martinez, 30 minutes with discussion)

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Update on Firewise Festival Finances - July 12, 2024

Firewise Festival Financial Update.pdf

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Acronym Key - What does THAT mean?

  • AB38: state law requiring homes for sale to be inspected for defensible space disclosure
  • BLM - Bureau of Land Management
  • CO 2477 (formerly CO 2463) - County Hazardous Vegetation Ordinance (right to extend 100 feet beyond property line & rural road rules 10-10-15)
  • Cal Fire - California State Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
  • DSAV - Defensible Space Advisory Visit (free, from a trained Fire Safe Council volunteer)
  • DSI - Defensible Space Inspector - County employee empowered to enforce codes
  • EQIP - Environmental Quality Incentives Program
  • FWC - Firewise Community
  • FSC - Fire Safe Council
  • IC - Incident Commander
  • ICP - Incident Command Post
  • LTO - Licensed Timber Operator
  • NCCFWC - Nevada County Coalition of Firewise Communities
  • NCSO - Nevada County Sheriff's Office
  • OES - Office of Emergency Services, County of Nevada
  • PRC 4291 - Public Resource Code concerning 100ft of Defensible Space around homes
  • RPF - Registered Professional Forester
  • SAR - Search and Rescue (volunteers supporting the NC Sheriff's Office)
  • THP - Timber Harvest Plan